Queenstown Physio’s guide to recovery
1. Get R.I.C.E.D
Take it easy but don’t stop moving completely. Move as much as you can tolerate, allowing the injured tissue to repair. Put your feet up and get someone else to make you a cup of tea.
As soon as possible apply ice wrapped in a damp towel to the injured area. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Repeat 4-8 times per day (the more the better) for at least 48 hours.
Use elastic wrap or a bandage. Throbbing, tingling, numbness or going blue are signs that your compression is too tight! Don’t use compression at night as you won’t be aware if it becomes too tight.
Gravity is not your friend when you have swelling! Keep the injured area up above your heart to limit swelling. Use pillows during the day or night to raise and support the injured area.
Googling your injury can be confusing. Get professional advice from a physiotherapist or doctor who can assess, treat and guide you through your recovery.
2. Avoid H.A.R.M
Your injury will recover faster if you avoid H.A.R.M. for 72 hours after your injury. They all increase swelling, pain and tissue damage and you don’t want that!
3. Get help to recover faster
If your injury is not improving the way you would expect (i.e. pain is getting worse or you’re not able to walk), then get to a doctor or physiotherapist as soon as you can. Queenstown Physiotherapy are available to diagnose you, prescribe you some exercises and guide you on your recovery. Our treatments are hands on and educational, helping you to get back to doing the things you love sooner!